
The Call to Freedom
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February 2024

Bridging Connection


As I reflect on the Pope’s message for Lent, the story of Good Will Hunting comes to mind. There’s a scene in the movie when his best friend Chuckie, tells him, “The best part of every day is when I come to your door and hope that you will have left the neighborhood for good.” In his sincere love for Will, Chuckie wants to see Will use the gifts he has to flourish. Will can’t imagine himself leaving South Boston. It’s what he knows.

This scene comes to mind as I think about Israel wanting to return to Egypt where they were slaves. I can be flippant and think it’s a “no-brainer,” get away, as fast and as far as possible. In fact, our response to the call of freedom “has to mature as part of a journey.” We can find we “cling to an oppressive bondage” that we are called to leave behind. “Lent is the season of grace in which the desert can become once more…the place of our first love (cf. Hosea 2:16-17).”

I pray that this season of Lent you may find the grace to answer Jesus’ call to freedom. He promises “you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.” (Jn.8:32)

Year at a Glance

Wed. 2/ 14  |  Ash Wednesday  
Thurs. 3/17  |  Major Superior's Meeting  |  10:00 AM

Fri. 3/8 - 3/14  |  Catholic Sister's Week  |  Toolkit

Tues. 4/30  | 61st World Day of Prayer for Vocations

Wed. 5/1   |   Religious Brother's Day  | Inspiration

Thurs. 5/9  | IMAR Conference  | The Sacred Calling



Workshop on Grief

On May 9, we will host our annual IMAR Workshop, featuring Sheila Munafo-Kanoza on the topic of grief. This workshop is for those who work with our aging religious, especially those serving in our 14 regional health care centers such as Mount Notre Dame, the Sisters of Charity and the St. Charles Senior Living Community, to name a few as well as those from Covington like SND Lourdes and Holy Family Retirement Center.

Sheila Munafo-Kanoza

Founder of Companions on the Journey

Sheila Munafo-Kanoza acutely knows the heartache associated with loss.  At the age of 37, she lost her husband, Vince, following his 10-year battle with cancer.  His death shattered her whole world.  As she picked up the pieces, Sheila realized that beauty could come from brokenness.   

In her own words:  “…out of my pain came my purpose, and out of my purpose came my passion…” 

Hope, strength, and healing can be found by being vulnerable with others about the struggles and joys you experience after the death of a loved one.   

It was this realization that propelled Sheila to found Companions on a Journey Grief Support Services in 1997.  Twenty-six years later, her passion for walking alongside others in their grief journey has only grown.  She holds numerous certifications, is an instructor, and a nationally published author in Bereavement Education and Support.  

Register Here

Discernment Events

Greater Cincinnati Vocation Team

Weekend Retreat

There is beautiful collaboration between the vocation ministers who are in and around the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. This weekend is open to men and women who are discerning God's plan for their life.


Photo Gallery

2.2.24 World Day of Prayer for Consecrated Life

Click to see more photos from the Mass and Reception

The Company of St. Ursula Brings Center to Cincinnati

The Company of St. Ursula of Canada, a secular institute, has recently shifted its center from Quebec to Cincinnati.In the elections held on December 30, 2023, Canadian leaders passed the torch to newly elected Directress Mary-Cabrini Durkin of Cincinnati, Vice-Directress Marie Chantal Mukuluku of Silver Spring and Elena Taylor-Garcia of Omaha.

Founded in 1535 by St. Angela Merici, the Company came to Quebec in 1967 and spread to the United States in 2006 ( Over 900 members around the world belong to many local or regional Companies, all linked in a Federation ( The Company of Canada has ten members and is growing in the US.

Periodic Events


Workshop on Grief

In early May, we will host our annual IMAR (Intercongregational Ministry to Aging Religous) Workshop, featuring Sheila Munafo-Kanoza. Register online here or click and print the form. 

Holy Land

Virtual Lenten Pilgrimage

Pilgrimage of Prayer: If you knew the Gift of God. Sign up here.

Consecrated Virginity

On January 13, 2024, her baptism anniversary, Ashley Roberts made her consecration as a virgin in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati at the hands of Archbishop Schnurr. The ceremony was simple and beautiful. Two of her close friends were her attendants and many priests, who are her friends, presided at the Mass. To learn more about Consecrated Virgins, check out their national website

Let us pray for Ashley and all those discerning God's plan for their life!

Update Your Listing in

the Catholic Directory


Imposter Update

Last fall I alerted you to the presence of a man presenting himself as a priest. He was seen in the last week at a religious house near Norwood. Police say he may now have an Ohio license plate. His warrants are now issued nationally to track him better. He is driving the same car as before, a VW Tiguan SUV. If seen, call 911 immediately.


For more Discernment Events and Resources, visit our website and scroll down to see upcoming events.


Archdiocese of Cincinnati, 100 E 8th St, Cincinnati, OH 45202, United States

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