
April 2021
A process, and more
BEACONS of LIGHT is a planning process through which groupings of parishes will come together as one Family of Parishes.

BEACONS of LIGHT is more than a one-time plan. It is the vision for parish life for the future in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. In Families of Parishes, we will grow closer to God, follow Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit, and radiate Christ in our lives.


As Families of Parishes are formed, parish staff, pastoral council, and other leaders will create a plan through which the parishes will come together as one faith community. Each plan will be unique to the Family of Parishes, celebrating the history, culture, and strengths of each of the parishes in the Family. Principles, vision points, and parameters will guide the development of the plans for all of the Families of Parishes, building on the common vision of the parish as a beacon of light.

Principles: Archbishop Schnurr has approved six principles that will be the foundation for the plans each Family of Parishes will develop.

Vision Points
: Parish leaders must keep the vision of the parish as a beacon of light in mind as they create the plan for their Family of Parishes. Vision points will guide leaders to consider what living the principle to its fullest would mean for the Family and to plan toward fulfilling that vision.

: The plans will also articulate common expectations for all Families of Parishes. These will address things that all Families must or must not do as they come together.

Pastors and parish leaders will have opportunities to offer their input and feedback as the parameters, the common expectations for all Families of Parishes, are identified and articulated. You will hear much more about these essential elements of Beacons of Light in the coming months.

Let us pray
Each month, we will share a resource for prayer and reflection for use in parish meetings, small faith groups, and personal prayer. Each reflection uses one of the Sunday gospels for the month and a brief excerpt from a guiding document such as Radiate Christ or the recent Vatican Instruction on the pastoral conversion of the parish. May we be united in prayer as we work together to build parishes that are beacons of light.

The first step in the Leading Change model is to create a sense of urgency.  Until people can truly feel and understand the need to change – not only its importance but also its urgency – we cannot move forward.

While priests and parish leaders may have a sense of the need for new approaches to parish life and a process like Beacons of Light, the average parishioner likely does not…yet. Every time Mass is scheduled to happen, it does!
When the parish office is supposed to be open, it is! When someone is dying, a priest is available! Little does anyone know the scarcity of resources (human, space, capital, time) our parishes are often faced with.

What can you do to increase the sense of urgency among your fellow parishioners? How can you communicate the need for change? What will inspire others to join this process of creating Families of Parishes which are truly focused on mission, on being BEACONS of LIGHT?

As we proceed through the Beacons process, we’ll continue to reflect more upon this process and our role in it.

Invite your friends and fellow parishioners to join us!
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