Bread of Life Discourse, Eucharist & Catholic Schools, FDLC Mtg Pittsburgh, Jesus is Here!
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June 2024
Office for Divine Worship and Sacraments

Dear friends and colleagues,

Celebrating the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ is a fitting way to focus our minds on the importance of the Eucharist in the life of the Church, especially during this National Eucharistic Revival.

In this month’s issue of Praenotanda, you’ll find a variety of things relative to the Eucharist: information about the new translation of Holy Communion and Worship of the Eucharist outside Mass, how to buy it and when to use it.  We also hope you’ll join us for Jesus is Here, on July 6 or on days before and after.

There are two exciting formation opportunities coming up relative to the Eucharist, one related to Catholic schools and one related to the polarization in our nation and in our Church.  I hope you’ll consider either or both.

Finally, this summer’s Bread of Life discourse from the Gospel of John is a perfect time to lean into more catechesis for your parishioners on the Eucharist.  Check out our TOGETHER resources to assist you in this regard.

As always, if there’s anything that Matt, Monica, or I can do to assist you in your worship and sacramental ministries, please let us know.

Jeremy Helmes
ODWS Director

Summer is almost here and with it comes a plethora of opportunities for furthering one’s skills in the area of Church music. ere are workshops in chant for both beginner and advanced, choral conducting, ensemble training and more. There is one in particular I highly recommend…and it’s right here in our archdiocese!  

The Sacred Music Institute (SMI) at Mount St. Mary’s Seminary & School of Theology (MTSM) is again offering a three-day conference for priests and church musicians. The 2024 theme is ‘Splendor and Majesty Are Before Him: The Power of Musical Worship’. The conference begins on Wednesday, July 24 and goes through lunch on Friday July 26, 2024 at Mount St. Mary’s Seminary. Lodging at the Seminary is available. More information can be found here.

With the addition of the seminary’s new Pasi pipe organ as well as great faculty, this is sure to be one of the best workshops in the country.

Soli Deo Gloria,

Matthew J. Geerlings
Music Director

TOGETHER Bread of Life Discourse

The resources of TOGETHER can be used during the summer weeks of July 28-Aug 25, as we hear the Gospel readings commonly referred to as the “Bread of Life Discourse”. Especially during the National Eucharistic Revival, TOGETHER is a way to help your parishioners deepen their belief in the Eucharist and their experience of Sunday Mass. You’ll find bulletin articles, social media posts, discussion guides, homily helps, and other resources for catechists, preachers, communicators, and worship leaders on TOGETHER.
The Eucharist & Catholic Schools:  June 10-July 24

The Eucharistic Revival has been important to parishes around the United States. But what does the Revival have to do with Catholic education? In this six-week virtual conference, Catholic educators will be invited to explore these themes with opportunities to reflect, watch interviews with theologians, educators, and pastoral leaders, read classic texts related to the theme, and practice what you’ve learned through short assignments. In addition, there will be a live session each week on Wednesdays from 3-4PM Eastern Time. Those who complete each of the assignments at the end of each week will earn a certificate from the McGrath Institute for Church Life.
Our Eucharistic Mission in a Polarized World

For the 2024 election cycle – both the election year and the time that will follow – we have decided to lean into both our reliance on the Eucharist (especially in this year of the National Eucharistic Congress) and our call to heal the deep divides that exist in our country and abroad. This powerful series with Fr. Aaron Wessman, GHM will consist of six distinct talks – each focusing on a different challenge with polarization and how the Eucharist can address it – held at different locations around the archdiocese as well as live streamed. You’ll find more information online and we invite you to explore both this page and iVoteCatholic to explore how you and your community can live out our call to be faithful citizens.

Holy Communion and Worship of the Eucharistic Mystery outside Mass New Ritual Books

The new translation of Holy Communion and Worship of the Eucharistic Mystery outside Mass is now available for pre-order through the ODWS online shop. It will begin shipping August 1, with optional use on September 14, and mandatory use by December 1.  

FDLC National Meeting: Worship in Families of Parishes  Oct 1-3, Pittsburgh

Join other parish worship leaders in Pittsburgh October 1-3 to discuss worship in merged/clustered/Families of Parishes.  This three-day national meeting is for directors of worship and music, pastors and vicars, and any leader of worship.

Jesus is Here! JULY 6

As part of the National Eucharistic Revival, Mass will be celebrated by Archbishop Schnurr at the Cathedral Basilica, followed by a Eucharistic procession to Fountain Square and a Eucharistic Festival including praise and worship music, Benediction, confessions, food trucks, and more!

Q.    What is the proper vesture for altar serversShould it be different for girls than boys?

A.    In their Guidelines for Altar Servers (originally issued in 1994 and revised slightly to conform to the third edition of the Roman Missal), the U.S. Catholic Bishops state that “Acolytes, altar servers, readers, and other lay ministers may wear the alb or other suitable vesture or other appropriate or dignified clothing. (General Instruction of the Roman Missal, no.339)  All servers should wear the same liturgical vesture.” The first choice of vesture for all lay ministers is an alb; a cassock and surplice is clerical vesture. Previously, the ministry of altar server was connected to the clerical state (and restricted therefore to only men and boys.). Now, the Church has clarified that the ministry of altar server is properly a lay ministry and thus open to men and women, girls and boys. Also in these guidelines, the bishops state: “No distinction should be made between the functions carried out in the sanctuary by men and boys and those carried out by women and girls.” 

Office for Divine Worship and Sacraments

Center for Parish Vitality

513.263.6609 | FAX: 513.421.1582




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