
May 2021
From maintenance to mission
One of the primary goals of BEACONS of LIGHT is to move "from maintenance to mission." It is easy to get into maintenance mode, doing things the way they've always been done, even when doing so holds us back from spreading the Gospel as well as we should.

When we move from maintenance to mission, our parishes will be alive in faith, filled with vitality, ready to form us as people who radiate Christ at home, in our neighborhoods and workplace, towns and cities, and in the world.

A milestone in BEACONS OF LIGHT

The BEACONS of LIGHT process design is now in full swing. The priests of the archdiocese gathered virtually on April 21 to receive an update on the process and following the meeting, have been asked to talk with their staff and Pastoral Councils about the draft pastoral planning parameters.

Parameters are the common expectations that all Families of Parishes will address - what every Family must or must not do as they come together. Input from the consultation with parish leaders will be submitted by the end of May. This feedback will be summarized and additional consultations of priests and parish leaders will result in recommendations made to Archbishop Schnurr in the coming months.


Why is BEACONS of LIGHT happening now?

There are many reasons for this planning process:

  • Our parishes need to be vibrant communities of faith in order that we might fully grow as disciples of Jesus Christ.
  • Declining religious practice in the U.S. points to the need for strong parishes that lead people to living and growing their faith in Jesus.
  • We need to respond to the impact of demographic changes in many areas within our archdiocese.
  • We will have fewer priests who can serve as pastors in the future.

What questions do you have? Click on the button below for more FAQs and to  ask a question about BEACONS of LIGHT.

The second step in the Leading Change model is to build a guiding coalition. It takes team work to make the dream work!

As an archdiocese, we have a guiding coalition, led by Archbishop Schnurr, the archdiocesan deans and Presbyteral Council, our pastors, staff in the Pastoral Center, and many members of the faithful who are contributing in various ways to the BEACONS of LIGHT process.

Your parish and ultimately your Family of Parishes will need a guiding coalition too. Led by your pastor, this coalition should include key members of your parish staff, pastoral and finance councils, other leadership groups within the parish, and especially those parishioners whose influence and standing in the community can help bring others along on the pathway towards becoming a parish that is truly a Beacon of Light.

Begin to think now about how you can contribute to the Beacons of Light process in your parish. Offer your help in making this process successful to your community. The Holy Spirit has given each of us gifts and talents to build up the Church: can you be part of this guiding coalition?

Each month, we will share a resource for prayer and reflection for use in parish meetings, small faith groups, and personal prayer. Each reflection uses one of the Sunday gospels for the month and a brief excerpt from a guiding document such as Radiate Christ or the recent Vatican Instruction on the pastoral conversion of the parish. May we be united in prayer as we work together to build parishes that are beacons of light.

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