
January 2022

Synod Meetings with Consecrated Life Members

As the Archdiocese of Cincinnati and each diocese in the world-wide Church begins The Synod for a Synodal Church, here is some important information on the involvement of all in Consecrated Life in the discussions and prayer in our Archdiocese.

I have scheduled three possible meeting dates for participation in group discussions in this synodal process for all in Consecrated Life, see the Year at a Glance calendar below for dates, times and sign up links. I will send a zoom link to the meeting closer to the date based on the registered sign-ups.

Preparing for our meeting
I am sharing with you a questionnaire and response form to use in preparation for our group discussions. These are here for you to print out for your reflection and prayer. There are many questions under each of the 10 points raised for our input.
These questions are not meant to each be answered. They are conversation starters. The Summative Response Form has a key question to focus your answers. This form will be collected and incorporated into a summary response from all of us as we host the zoom meetings in early February.

By the time we meet in February, it is hoped that you will have had some time to read through the questions, reflect and pray about the invitation to participate and are ready to share with others in the Archdiocese on this important Synod.

Format for the Discussions in February
Opening Prayer: Synod prayer (screen share)  
Breakout Rooms

Large group sharing: general response from the group

After our prayer, you will be sent to breakout rooms where it will be easier to share with a few people. Once you get to your group, please do these three things:
introduce yourselves
ask for a volunteer to take notes, using the response form you received
3. a
sk for a volunteer to keep the time and to keep the conversation moving along.

Everyone should have an opportunity to speak.
You will have about an hour for this discussion.
When we return to the large group, I will ask for some feedback or insights you may want to share on a couple of major points from the sharing in your group.

Note-takers: please send me the response form from your group as soon as it is ready. Please type your answers. Last date to receive them is February 15.

I am looking forward to walking with you and sharing in this process.

Your sister in Christ,


  • 6- February 24 Deanery Synod Meetings: All are invited!!
  • 23 Sunday of the Word of God, it's origin and worship resources
  • 26 Vocation Ministers and Campus Ministers Day, 10 am - 2 pm on the theme: Accompaniment: Walking with Young Adults As They Discern Their Vocation

  • 1 Option 1 Synod Meeting for Consecrated Life, Sign up 2-3:30 pm
  • 2 World Day of Consecrated Life
  • 3 Option 2 Synod Meeting for Consecrated Life, Sign up 9:30 - 11 am
  • 8 Option 3 Synod Meeting for Consecrated Life, Sign up 7 - 8:30 pm
  • 27 What's Next: Exploring Prayerful Decision Making, Ascension, Kettering

  • 3.16.22 Major Superiors Meeting with Archbishop, 10-12 pm
  • 3.24.22 IMAR Touching the Holy, Meeting God in Times of Transition and Change, Bro. Wayne Fitzpatrick, MM,  9 am - 2:30 pm, St. Vivian's Parish Hall. Register here.

What is IMAR?
IMAR is an abbreviation of Intercongregational Ministry to Aging Religious.  We offer an annual formation day for lay and religious persons who work in ministry to retired and elderly religious. Please consider joining us this March 24, for a conference with Bro. Wayne Fitzpatrick, M.M., M.A., M.S., C–GCM, a certified Retirement Planning Specialist for Religious. He will be speaking about Touching the Holy:  Meeting God in Times of Change and Transition.  We will explore the spiritual and personal journey one encounters into the later years of life and how change is embraced.  What is the wisdom one wishes to synthesize from a long life as people of prayer and faith and formulate this into a legacy for future generations of Religious?  How does one continue to use the gifts from God and the carry out the charism of the Congregation as an Elder Member?
What’s Next: Exploring Prayerful Decision Making
Whether you are discerning your vocation, a career change, a big move, or just what’s next in your life, this afternoon for young adults will offer opportunities for prayer, fellowship, Q & A and practical tips for discernment. Members of religious communities will offer stories, examples and practical exercises to aid you in any discernment. Our next event will be Sunday, February 27th, in Kettering at Ascension Parish from noon – 5:00pm. For more information or to register
Another way to participate in the Synod on Synodality
As you know, the Holy See has initiated Synod 2021-2023, a two-year process of "reflection and sharing of the whole Church." Archbishop Schnurr has appointed Deacon John Homoelle to lead and coordinate the Archdiocese of Cincinnati’s contributions to this initiative. You can learn more about this at The Holy Father is asking for as many of the baptized as possible to participate in archdiocese-wide meetings taking place in January and February, 2022, to discuss how we can collectively better advance the message of salvation. Please consider participating in one of these meetings and encouraging members of your communities, associates and those you serve to also participate. To learn more and to sign up, please visit

Please feel free to email Deacon John Homoelle at
Please consider sending representatives to the local deanery meetings to be held between January and February.
Update Your Listing in the Catholic Directory
We are so grateful to the many congregations who have helped us set the record straight. Our goal is to have complete and accurate listings of all the consecrated women and men in the Catholic Directory. If you have had membership changes in your community, please let us know!

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