EMHC Commissioning, Eucharistic Vision Point, and more!
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May 2023
Office for Divine Worship and Sacraments

Dear friends and colleagues,

Happy Easter!  I hope these 50 days of unbounded paschal joy have been a time of great grace for you and your parishes, schools, and other faith communities.  Thank you for your faith-filled ministry during the Paschal Triduum and for the many important liturgical celebrations that mark this season: First Communions, Confirmations, quinceañeras, graduations, ordinations, and more!

In this month’s Praenotanda, you’ll find resources related to the ongoing Eucharistic Revival underway in our nation: ways to stay connected to what’s happening nationally, training and formation for new and veteran EMsHC, resources to celebrate well the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ, and more.

As we near the end of this first year of Beacons of Light, thanks for everything you are doing to build up your Family of Parishes as a Eucharist-centered community.  

As always, if there’s anything that Matt, Monica, or I can do to assist you in your worship and sacramental ministries, please let us know.

Jeremy Helmes
ODWS Director


Last fall I wrote to you about working with clergy and getting on the same page towards discipleship and mission. The article spoke about how we, as church musicians, can help our pastors and clergy and how the clergy can help their musicians. We are all on the same team with the ultimate goal of leading our parishioners into a deeper relationship with Christ – our ministry has eternal consequences!

But our ministry and work certainly have their challenges. For several weeks now I have fielded phone calls and messages from musicians and priests who are finding their working relationships in conflict. Most of this seems to be rooted in a breakdown of communication. And let’s be honest, musicians are not always the best when it comes to this business of music (it’s ministry of course, but there is a business angle too). Here are a few ideas that might open the lines of communication.

1. Our pastors are very busy. If you need to meet with them, email them and set an
appointment with them for no more than 30 minutes. Come prepared with your issues and potential solutions.

2. Be open to their guidance and be patient, especially if they are new to the parish family. They are still getting to know people and it takes time to sort things out.

3. Be a voice of reconciliation and forgiveness if harsh words are exchanged. Is that not what Christ would have us do too?

4. But most importantly – get things in writing! I hear musicians lament changes in their working conditions and when I ask what their job description has to say on the subject, most haven’t a clue where their job description is – or if they even have one.

And most importantly, the Archdiocese has an HR department staffed with great, mission minded people who are very capable and willing to help if it comes to a true standoff.

Soli Deo Gloria,

Matthew J. Geerlings
Music Director

Eucharist-Centered Parishes

The first principle of Beacons of Light is Eucharist: “The Mass is the source and summit of the whole Christian life. Accordingly, the Eucharist is the essential moment for building up and strengthening the parish community, along with the sacraments and other celebrations of the paschal mystery — the passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.”
Each month, we’ll look at one of the aspects of the vision for a Eucharist-centered parish and offer a prompt for your reflection upon your own Family of Parishes.

Adoration: Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is readily available within the Family of Parishes with proper catechesis for all.

Question for Reflection: Does our Family of Parishes offer the opportunity for people to pray individually before the Blessed Sacrament?  Does our liturgical schedule as a Family include Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament on a regular basis?  Do we foster devotion to the Blessed Sacrament outside of Mass?  How could we more fully realize this vision?
EMHC Formation & Training

Please share these opportunities with Extraordinary Ministers in your parish family and those interested in joining this ministry.

  • Monday, May 8, 2023, 7-9pm, in the Parish Hall, at Our Lady of Sorrows, 330 Lebanon St., Monroe, OH 45050

  • Monday, May 22, 2023, 1-3pm, online - the Zoom login link will be sent directly to those who register

  • Wednesday, May 24, 2023,1-3pm, at Mercy Hospital West, with a focus on serving the sick, hospitalized, or homebound
EMHC Commissioning: Solemnity of the Body & Blood of Christ (June 11)

If you don’t have an already-established annual date for commissioning extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion, consider the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ, celebrated this year on June 11.  You’ll find an order of commissioning (in English and in Spanish), as well as other resources for the formation and training of Communion ministers on the ODWS website.
Beacons of Light Roundtable

Please join us for our next Beacons Roundtable, Tues, May 16, 1:30p-3p focused on the details of Phase 2 of Beacons of Light and creating and communicating a vision for your Family of Parishes.

Celebrating the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ (June 11)

You can find resources to assist you in celebrating this solemnity, especially during the National Eucharistic Revival, on the ODWS webpage
, including guides for a Eucharistic procession, worship of the Eucharist outside of Mass, catechesis, and more.
National Eucharistic Revival: Point Persons

To help make the parish phase (summer 2023-2024) of the National Eucharistic Revival a success, the national leadership team is hoping to solicit a point person from each parish (or, in our case, each Family of Parishes) to receive communications and help promote the revival locally. Each pastor should designate someone to serve in this role by completing this form.  Prime candidates for this role are the Director of Evangelization, the Director of Worship, or some other key leader in the Family of Parishes.

Changes to Mass Schedules

Summer may be an opportune time to revise the Sunday Mass schedule for your Family of Parishes, especially if the last changes were made in 2022. In accord with the archdiocesan
Sunday Mass Schedule policy, please send notice of any changes to the parish’s liturgical schedule to the Chancery, accompanied by the written opinion of the local dean. If you need assistance with analysis of your schedule and/or strategy for making a change, please contact the Office for Divine Worship and Sacraments.
Shop ODWS Publications

Don’t forget that you can shop all year online for archdiocesan resources to assist bereaved families, engaged couples, extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion, and more. You can also find resources from national liturgical publishers at deep discounts. Parishes, schools, and other non-profits can always shop tax free. And the Two Shall Become One, our archdiocesan formation and policy book for the sacrament of matrimony, is a handy and inexpensive resource for parishes to provide to engaged couples.
Q.   Why is the Ascension celebrated on Sunday in some parts of the world?

A.    With permission from Rome, the Catholic bishops of Ohio (along with other states and provinces) decided to move the yearly celebration of the Feast of the Ascension of the Lord from Thursday of the Sixth Week of Easter to the Seventh Sunday of Easter. This change has been in effect since the first celebration on June 4, 2000. While the culture in some parts of the world includes civic holidays on holy days enabling the faithful to participate in Mass, in the United States days such as the Ascension are not typically days off work. Thus, the bishops chose to transfer this feast (and others) to a Sunday so more people can celebrate this important mystery of faith.

Office for Divine Worship and Sacraments

Center for Parish Vitality

513.263.6609 | FAX: 513.421.1582




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