Office for Divine Worship and Sacraments
Phase 0 Resources for Liturgical & Sacramental Leaders
Those involved in pastoral planning in the areas of worship and sacraments will find resources for the Beacons of Light Pastoral Planning Pathway on the ODWS website. In addition to the slides, video, and other resources from the Feb 15 Beacons Roundtable focused on the Eucharist principle, check out the new Parish Inventory for Liturgy and Sacraments, the vision for a Eucharist-centered Family of Parishes, and more.
Dear friends and colleagues,
As we prepare for the upcoming Paschal Cycle – Lent, Triduum, and Eastertide – let me thank you for your work in liturgical and sacramental ministry in our parishes, schools, hospitals, campus ministries, and the many other faith communities of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. During the next 90 days, we will celebrate together the mystery of our faith: that Jesus Christ died for us and rose from the dead. Thanks for the many ways you lead our Church in celebrating that faith in liturgical prayer.
In this month’s Praenotanda, you’ll find resources for celebrating the Paschal Cycle, including encouraging the faithful to celebrate the Sacrament of Penance.
As we continue in Phase 0 of Beacons of Light, please take advantage of the various resources for liturgical and sacramental ministry, as we work to bring the vision for a Eucharist-centered parish to life.
As always, if there’s anything that Matt, Monica, or I can do to assist you in your worship and sacramental ministries, please let us know.
Jeremy Helmes ODWS Director
We will soon be entering the next phase of the Beacons of Light process. This can be either an opportunity for excitement and growth, or one of pessimism and gloom. I prefer the former as many times we can grow stagnant in our work.
With the new Families of Parishes model, we find ourselves rethinking former models of ministry and look toward new goals and ideas. Some of these goals would be that each family can now look at hiring or promoting from within a full-time, competent, qualified person as a Director of Worship, Director of Music, or perhaps a Director of Worship and Music.
The Archdiocesan Music Committee is looking developing job descriptions for pastors and pastoral councils to aid them in this goal. Other long-range goals could be the establishment of a children’s choir program in the newly formed Families. Along with expanding music opportunities for children and youth, different types of choirs and ensembles could be established (hand bell choirs, chant groups, etc.). Another long-range goal might be that, at a minimum, one of the churches has a quality pipe organ.
The only real limitation is one’s vision.
Soli Deo Gloria, Matthew J. Geerlings Music Director
The Mystery of the Eucharist in the Life of the Church
The US Catholic bishops offer these reflections on the Eucharistic faith and practice of the Church to encourage Eucharistic renewal in parishes and communities. Reflect on the gift of the Eucharist in Part I and on the response of the faithful to this gift in Part II. Use this document to help your parish and faith community grow in love for the Eucharistic presence of our Lord. Include readings from this pastoral letter on the Eucharist in catechetical programs, sacramental preparation, religious education, and ongoing faith formation study. The Mystery of the Eucharist in the Life of the Church can be used for parish catechesis, as well as for individual personal meditation, reflection, and study.
March 15, 1:30-3:00pm
Leadership & Co-Responsibility in Families of Parishes
Leadership will be essential in forming Families of Parishes that radiate Christ. Pastors, staff, and parishioners will share responsibility for bringing all relevant perspectives to the process of discernment in pastoral planning, according to their proper roles and gifts. Explore the vision of co-responsibility for leadership in Beacons of Light, share your ideas, and hear what is in the works as we continue Phase 0 and prepare for the future.
Liturgical Preparation for the Paschal Cycle 2022
You’ll find a multitude of resources to assist in preparing the liturgies of Lent, Triduum, and Easter on the ODWS website, including the annual preparation resource from the FDLC in both English and Spanish, a sample Lenten communal penance service, music suggestions, preparation checklists for Holy Week liturgies, updated rubrics for the Mandatum and text for the presentation of the sacred oils, resources for encouraging the faithful to celebrate the Sacrament of Penance, and more.
Encouraging the Sacrament of Penance During Lent
Resources are available on the ODWS website to help parish leaders encourage the faithful to celebrate the Sacrament of Penance, especially during the upcoming Lenten season. You’ll find a pastoral guide, a pamphlet about how to go to confession, bulletin articles, shareable video, and more!
Start Time for Easter Vigil
The Roman Missal specifies that the Easter Vigil “must take place during the night, so that it begins after nightfall…”. In the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, the Easter Vigil for 2022 should begin NO EARLIER THAN 8:45pm, and preferably at 9:00pm. (This will be the case at least through 2024 as well.)
Roman Missal in Large Print
Did you know that elderly or sight-impaired priests can receive a large-print edition of the Roman Missal? (A donation is appreciated, but not required.) It is specially prepared by the National Catholic Partnership on Disability. For more information or assistance, contact ncpd@ncpd.org.
Q. From where must the responsorial psalm be sung? From where may it be sung? Why?
A. As a proclamation of scripture within the Liturgy of the Word, the General Instruction of the Roman Missal directs that the Responsorial Psalm should be sung from the ambo or another suitable place. (GIRM 61). However, other “suitable places” could include a separate lectern, somewhere in the choir area, or other location. Particularly if the choir will either intone the antiphon or sing the verses of the psalm, it may make sense for a psalmist to be located in closer proximity to the choir.