Office for Divine Worship and Sacraments
Don’t miss Warmup Days!
Join other parish leaders – clergy and staff – to get warmed up for pastoral planning. We’ll check in on how Phase 0 is going, provide an orientation to the Pastoral Planning Pathway and the online platform for planning resources, and make sure you are up to speed before Phase 1 of Beacons of
Light. We’ll also focus on the importance of good leadership in the pastoral planning process and developing essential leadership skills. It will also be a great opportunity to meet parish leaders from other Families.
Dear friends and colleagues, As we prepare for the most sacred time of the year, the Paschal Triduum, and the Eastertide to follow, let me thank you for your work in liturgical and sacramental ministry in our parishes, schools, hospitals, campus ministries, and elsewhere throughout
the archdiocese. I know the intensity of these days and the many special liturgies to come during Eastertide and I hope you will find time for your own relaxation, to spend with family and friends, and to reflect deeply on the great gift of Christ’s dying and rising. In this month’s Praenotanda, you’ll again find resources for celebrating the Paschal Cycle, including checklists for upcoming important liturgies, information about care of sacred oils, and more. As we continue in Phase 0 of Beacons of Light, please continue to take advantage of the various resources for liturgical and sacramental ministry, as we work to bring the vision for a Eucharist-centered parish to life. As always, if there’s anything that Matt, Monica, or I can do to assist you in your worship and sacramental ministries, please let us know.
Jeremy Helmes ODWS Director
With the arrival of spring, thoughts turn to that next season where perhaps we can take a little time to slow down and recharge ourselves. Summer is a great time to better ourselves, professionally and
spiritually, and there are several opportunities available. - This year’s NPM convention is in nearby Louisville, KY from June 28-July 1.
- Closer to home is the Sacred Music Workshop held July 20-22 at Mount St. Mary’s Seminary and hosted by seminary music director, Dr. Mary Catherine Levri.
- The Choristers’ Guild Institute is having an online conference for children’s choir directors from July 17-21.
- Handbell directors and musicians might look to the Hand Musicians of America National Seminar in Nashville, TN from July
31-August 1.
- Ensemble musicians and directors can find a local program at the Jesuit Spiritual Center in Mildford, OH from July 17-22 in the Inaugural CLEF summer program.
- The Hymn Society is hosting their annual conference in Washington, D.C. from July 17-21 at the Catholic University of America.
- Those interested in chant and polyphony might consider the Corpus Christi Watershed Symposium in Orange, CA from June 20-24.
As you can see, there are a lot of opportunities this summer. More information, along with links the various conferences, can be found on the ODWS page here. A bit of housekeeping as well. When your parish is having their Confirmation Mass at the Cathedral Basilica, please send me your repertoire list and needs (music stands, microphones, piano/organ, etc.) a month in advance.
Soli Deo Gloria, Matthew J. Geerlings Music Director
This Holy and Living Sacrifice: EMHC Formation
Formation and training for new and veteran extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion will take place this spring, both online and in-person throughout the archdiocese. Some sessions will focus on ministry to the sick, hospitalized, and homebound. Please share with EMHCs in your parish and those looking to
join this ministry.
The Mystery of the Eucharist in the Life of the Church
The US Catholic bishops offer these reflections on the Eucharistic faith and practice of the Church to encourage Eucharistic renewal in parishes and communities. Reflect on the gift of the Eucharist in Part I and on the response of the faithful to this gift in Part II. Use this document to help your parish and faith community grow in love for the Eucharistic presence of our Lord. Include readings from this pastoral letter on the Eucharist in catechetical programs, sacramental preparation, religious education, and ongoing faith formation study. The Mystery of the Eucharist in the Life of the Church can be used for parish catechesis, as well as for individual personal meditation, reflection, and study.
Resumption of Communion under Both Kinds
Effective Apr 24, 2022 (the Octave Day of Easter), distribution of the Precious Blood may again take place generally at the discretion of the pastor.
The Church teaches that "by reason of sign value, sharing in both Eucharistic species reflects more fully the sacred realities that the Liturgy signifies." (Norms for the Distribution and Reception of Holy Communion under Both Kinds)
Thus "Holy Communion has a fuller form as a sign when it takes place under both kinds." (General Instruction of the Roman Missal)
"To the best of their ability, each parish should offer both species at all Sunday celebrations of the Eucharist, and if possible, at other celebrations of the Eucharist when it can be done with reverence and dignity."
Phase 0 Resources for Liturgical & Sacramental Leaders
Those involved in pastoral planning in the areas of worship and sacraments will find resources for the Beacons of Light Pastoral Planning Pathway on the ODWS website. In addition to the slides, video, and other resources from the Feb 15 Beacons Roundtable focused on the Eucharist principle, check out the new Parish Inventory for Liturgy and Sacraments, the vision for a Eucharist-centered Family of Parishes, and more.
1:30-3:00pmStewardship as a Way of Life
Thirty years ago, the Bishops released a pastoral letter on stewardship titled, Stewardship: A Disciples Response. This letter outlined stewardship as truly a way of life, and one of the ways we live out our call to be Christ’s disciples in the world. Unfortunately, more often than not,
stewardship gets lumped in with one more program to ask for money.
Beacons of Light and the formation of our Families of Parishes provides a great opportunity for a “Stewardship Reset” that focuses on a firm commitment to present true stewardship as a way of life. Tune in for this webinar to learn more about stewardship, the vision for stewardship in our Families of Parishes, and practical ways to present and engage parishioners with this vital ministry within the Church.
Liturgical Preparation for the Paschal Cycle 2022
You’ll find a multitude of resources to assist in preparing the liturgies of Lent, Triduum, and Easter on the ODWS website, including the annual preparation resource from the FDLC in both English and Spanish, a sample Lenten communal penance service, music suggestions, preparation checklists for Holy Week liturgies, updated rubrics for the Mandatum and text for the presentation of the sacred oils, resources for encouraging the faithful to celebrate the Sacrament of Penance, and more.
SACRED OILS: Guidelines for Custody and Care, and Reception in the Parish As we approach the Chrism Mass and the Paschal Triduum, please be attentive to our guidelines on the proper Custody and Care of Sacred Oils, found on the ODWS website. Also, you will find The Order for the Reception of Holy Oils on the ODWS website, to be used at the Mass of the Lord’s Supper or another suitable time.
Good Friday Solemn Intercession for Ukraine
Archbishop Schnurr permits a special intercession to be prayed during the Good Friday Celebration of the Lord’s Passion. You can find the text, in English and in Spanish, set to chant notation, with more information on the ODWS website.
Autism Acceptance Month
April is Autism Acceptance Month! This month, the Office for Persons with Disabilities invites you to work to raise awareness and acceptance of persons with autism in your parishes. Autism is often referred to as an “invisible disorder,” so there are often not any outward indicators that a person is autistic. Neurodiversity is something to celebrate. Persons who are autistic have a unique perspective through which they see the world and have a great deal to contribute to our church. Your parish can help to spread this message by promoting awareness this month in a variety of ways. Check out our Autism RESOURCE PAGE that will be growing over the course of the month.
Photos Needed:
Parishes at Prayer
We’d like to feature a photo of one of our parishes at prayer at the top of each new monthly news email. If you can share a photo of your faith community celebrating the liturgy, please email the ODWS with a photo attached. Some basic guidelines:
- Landscape, not portrait
- Hi-res (at least 2MB)
- Focus more on the people than the building
Q. How is the date of Easter determined? Is it the same for all Christians?
A. Easter Sunday of the Resurrection is the Sunday after the first full moon (the “new moon” or the “paschal moon”) after
the vernal equinox. In a sense, before we can celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus and the redemption of all creation, the earth must be ready, the sun must be ready, even the moon must be ready… all of creation must be prepared to greet the Rising Dawn! This is the method of computation for Western Christians. The Orthodox continue to follow an older calendar, thus sometimes the Sunday is different.