November 04, 2021
"The parish is a beacon that radiates the light of the faith and thus responds to the deepest and truest desires of the human heart, giving meaning and hope to the lives of individuals and families."
Here are the news items, updates and current developments regarding Beacons of Light. In this update...
Families of Parishes Review Underway
The work of sorting, reviewing and considering public comments is underway. Based on the comments received, the Beacons website will be updated with additional FAQs and other content to address some of the topics that came up during the open comment period.

In the coming weeks the Families of Parishes draft will be revised, reviewed and submitted to Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr for approval. Look to or the Beacons Update email for an announcement on when the Families of Parishes will be finalized and released.
New FAQs Answered
  • Are Catholic schools being considered as part of Beacons of Light?
  • Will there be widespread closures or consolidations of Catholic schools?
  • Will financial donations remain with one’s current parish, or will they go to one’s new Family upon the implementation of Families of Parishes in July 2022?

View the FAQs on the Beacons website and read the answers!
National Beacons Coverage from The Pillar
Beacons of Light has garnered media coverage in both the local secular press and national Catholic press. The following article, posted by The Pillar, includes an analysis of the demographics of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati that helps provide context for the work needed in Beacons of Light, as well as the potential reasons why dioceses in the Midwest and Northeast are seeing these trends while other dioceses are growing!

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