The summer season is a roller coaster for parish evangelists...
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July 2024 - Issue 76
The summer season is a roller coaster for parish evangelists: conferences, VBS, mission trips, pilgrimages, National Eucharistic Congress, vacations, and planning for the coming school year. It is also a time to continue our own spiritual formation and professional development.

We invite you to attend Light the Match Summer Workshops. Light the Match this year features Dan DeMatte as a keynote speaker to help cultivate our imaginations as we journey through Beacons of Light and a series of breakout sessions that will provide opportunities for learning, collaboration, and planning.

Light the Match is Monday, July 30 and Tuesday, July 31 from 10:00am- 4:30pm each day at the Dayton Metro Library Downtown Branch. The cost for one day is $25.00 per person, both days is $40.00 per person, both days with overnight housing is $90.00 per person; which includes a light breakfast and lunch. Click Here for more information and to get registered! As always, priests attend for free. Priests can email Shane Legg at to register.

With prayer and hope,

Father & Son Workshop
St. Susanna Catholic Church
August 17, 2024 8:00 am – 12:00 pm

Co-hosted by the Archdiocese of Cincinnati and St. Susanna parish, this workshop is geared toward fathers and their sons (ages 12-14) to spend time together learning about God’s amazing plan for the gift of fertility. Starting with Holy Mass at 8:00 am, this workshop will include presentations on puberty by highlighting authentic masculinity, the biology of the reproductive system, and the development of a baby in utero. Resources will be provided to help dads speak with their sons about the conjugal act, a topic that will not be covered at this event. Featured speakers include Jason Mattingly M.D., Fr. Jonathan Jergens, and Paco Patag. Coffee and a light lunch will be provided. The cost is $30 per family. Please RSVP online no later than August 11, 2024.
Natural Family Planning
Awareness Week

National NFP Awareness Week, July 20-27, is a national educational campaign by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops to focus attention on natural family planning methods and the Church teachings that support its use in marriage.

The dates of National NFP Awareness Week highlight the anniversary of Humanae Vitae (July 25), which articulates Catholic beliefs about human sexuality, marital love, and responsible parenthood. The dates also mark the feast day of Saints Joachim and Anne (July 26), the parents of the Blessed Mother. For more Archdiocesan information, contact
Safe Haven Sunday
Inspired by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) formal statement, Create in Me a Clean Heart: A Pastoral Response to Pornography, Safe Haven Sunday is weekend set aside within the liturgical calendar by dioceses and parishes to directly address the societal harms of pornography.

Safe Haven Sunday is an Archdiocesan-wide initiative to begin the weekend of August 11, for the Feast of St. Philomena, "Champion of Chastity".
NET Catalyst Events
Young people’s greatest desire today is to be known. Through NET Catalyst, youth will belong to a small group, participate in monthly sessions, share a meal, and hear talks that will help them to grow in their relationship with Christ and their friendships. The overarching theme for the year is Living for Christ!

Your youth are invited to attend our upcoming middle and high school NET Catalyst events, which will be hosted right here in the Cincinnati area. Registration is now open!

Space is limited to the first 80 registrations, so don’t delay - sign up now.
NET Youth Ministers Network
Our xext Youth Minister Network will be on Tuesday, July 16th from 4-6pm at St. John the Evangelist in West Chester. Join us for a discussion and workshop on "The Discipleship Deficit." We’ll outline the current gaps in discipleship in the Church and what we can do to overcome them. Also, bring your calendars and plans for your best youth night! Come collaborate with other youth ministers!


Sean Ater | Director

100 east eighth st | cincinnati, ohio 45202

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