We invite all Parish Evangelists to Light the Match on July 29 & 30!
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June 2024 - Issue 73
We invite all Parish Evangelists to Light the Match on July 29 & 30. Our past experience shows us that Light the Match is one of the most beneficial workshops that the CNE provides. The time of year works well with schedules, and the content is always practical and timely.

Many Families of Parishes are wrapping up Phase 2 of Beacons of Light with a focus on vision and are now entering Phase 3. This phase will focus on building a culture for mission that aligns with the vision in order to sustain the future planning efforts for evangelization. I am very excited for our Light the Match keynote speaker, Dan DeMattee, who will give two talks on “Kingdom Dreaming” that will serve as a perfect bridge between
Phase 3 and 3.

Light the Match will also provide an update on Beacons of Light from the Center for Pastoral Vitality and other important breakout sessions, including a breakout dedicated to the new Assessment of Religious Knowledge (ARK), which will be required for Parish Religious Education this upcoming school year.

We look forward to our time together!

Sean Ater
Director, Center for the New Evangelization

The National Eucharistic Pilgrimage is traveling through the Archdiocese of Cincinnati from July 1-8! Join the pilgrims on their journey as they accompany Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament at the National Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis. Explore the pilgrimage route and the opportunities to get involved in the many events along the way here.
The feature event for Jesus is Here will be held in downtown Cincinnati on
July 6.
The day will begin with a special Mass at the Cathedral Basilica of St. Peter in Chains. Following Mass, there will be a Eucharistic Procession through the streets of downtown Cincinnati. The day will end with a Eucharistic Festival at Fountain Square.

Help us promote Jesus is Here by using the materials on the Jesus is Here Resource Page. On this page you will find posters, flyers, bulletin announcements, bulletin covers, and social media posts.

OCIA Corner
The OCIA is coming soon! We have created a post on all things OCIA to keep you up-to-date on everything. It has:

  • The timeline for implementing the OCIA
  • Info about the new translation and the National Statutes
  • A document that compares the old statutes with the new ones
  • A link to preorder OCIA books at a discount! (They will arrive Nov. 1)
  • A place for news about upcoming training and resources

That will be our hub for sharing OCIA information, so bookmark it and refer to it often! Also, look for a webinar on the new National Statutes, coming soon!

It’s difficult for us to plan formation opportunities on the OCIA text itself without having it in hand, but, starting Aug. 1, publishers who already have the text are permitted to provide training and resources on it. So, until we can offer something, we direct you to what the publishers are providing. For example, see these opportunities from LTP.

This is an exciting time to be in initiation ministry! Send me an email ( if you have any questions or comments.

The Peace of Christ to you,

Nicholas Hardesty, Assoc. Dir. of Adult Evangelization and OCIA
Natural Family Planning
Awareness Week

National NFP Awareness Week, July 20-27, is a national educational campaign by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops to focus attention on natural family planning methods and the Church teachings that support its use in marriage.

The dates of National NFP Awareness Week highlight the anniversary of Humanae Vitae (July 25), which articulates Catholic beliefs about human sexuality, marital love, and responsible parenthood. The dates also mark the feast day of Saints Joachim and Anne (July 26), the parents of the Blessed Mother. For more Archdiocesan information, contact
Safe Haven Sunday
Inspired by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) formal statement, Create in Me a Clean Heart: A Pastoral Response to Pornography, Safe Haven Sunday is weekend set aside within the liturgical calendar by dioceses and parishes to directly address the societal harms of pornography.

Safe Haven Sunday is an Archdiocesan-wide initiative to begin the weekend of August 11, for the Feast of St. Philomena, “Champion of Chastity”.
NET Catalyst Events
Young people’s greatest desire today is to be known. Through NET Catalyst, youth will belong to a small group, participate in monthly sessions, share a meal, and hear talks that will help them to grow in their relationship with Christ and their friendships. The overarching theme for the year is Living for Christ!

Your youth are invited to attend our upcoming middle and high school NET Catalyst events, which will be hosted right here in the Cincinnati area. Registration is now open!

Space is limited to the first 80 registrations, so don’t delay - sign up now.


Sean Ater | Director

100 east eighth st | cincinnati, ohio 45202

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